In the Wake of the Fires: A Message of Support from Chabad of Pacific Palisades

The recent fires have brought immense hardship to our community. As we navigate this difficult time, please know that Chabad of the Palisades stands with you. We are here to offer support, comfort, and assistance in any way possible.

Remember, you are not alone. We are a strong community, and together with Hashem’s help we will rebuild. Please reach out to us if you need anything at all.

Rabbi Zushe: 310-628-4444
Rebbetzin Zisi: 310-628-4446
Morah Chana: 310-383-6584 
Rabbi Shalom: 347-915-3770
Nechama: 310-428-5492
Rabbi Shimon: 917-455-9179
Chaya: 310-428-5415
Rabbi Avi: 310-428-5178
Ita: 872-800-5979

Community Support

Chabad of Palisades Fire relief Fund: This fund has been established to provide financial aid to those who have suffered catastrophic losses. To contribute, or to inquire please visit ChabadPalisades.com/firerelief

Helpful Links to resources:

For the most up to date fire info from LAFD regarding the Palisades Fire



- Westside Food Bank: 

Website: https://www.wsfb.org/our-services/need-food-help

- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank:

Website: lafoodbank.org

Phone: 323-234-3030


- For Immediate Shelter Locations Text “SHELTER” to 43362 and enter your zip code for more information.

- California Department of Housing and Community Development provides disaster housing assistance.

Website: hcd.ca.gov

- American Red Cross

May provide hotel vouchers in cases where shelters are unavailable or unsuitable. Contact their local office for details.

Website: redcross.org

Phone: 1-800-733-2767

- Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS)

Offers temporary housing assistance and hotel vouchers through their General Relief or CalWORKs programs.

Website: dpss.lacounty.gov

Phone: 1-866-613-3777

- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) May provide hotel vouchers or reimbursement for lodging if you qualify for disaster assistance.

Website: fema.gov

Phone: 1-800-621-3362

Spiritual Resources:

- Reach out to the staff at Chabad to connect you with a Chabad representative near you to put on Tefillin.

- Jewish Meditations:


Emotional support:

- Dr Karol Darsa, Psy.D.

For more than 20 years, Dr. Darsa has created a safe and supportive place for trauma survivors to recover. She has made herself available to help Chabad of Palisades, please reach out via email to:

[email protected]

- Chai Lifeline Counseling Line: 310-274-6331

Central office Chai Lifeline Crises Line: 1-855-3-crisis

Email: [email protected]

- National Child Traumatic Stress Network: https://www.nctsn.org/resources/parent-guidelines-helping-children-impacted-wildfires

- Cal Hope provides free, confidential emotional support for all Californians.

Website: www.calhope.org

- Disaster Distress Helpline:

Call or text: 1-800-985-5990

Medical Support:

- Free Non-Emergency Virtual Care (Teladoc)

Free, 24/7 virtual medical appointments for non-emergency illnesses. Additionally, those who may need help with authorization for non-narcotic drugs can also get assistance. The free services are for first responders, Southern California residents and anyone else who may be affected by the fires.

Call 1-855-225-5032.

Jewish Services:

- Jewish Free Loan Association (JFLA)

Website: jfla.org

Phone: 323.761.8830

Interest-free loans for emergency expenses

- Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

Website: jewishla.org

Phone: 323.761.8000

- Financial assistance, emergency grants, Support for housing or hotel stays for displaced families.

- Jewish Family Service Los Angeles (JFSLA)

Website: jfsla.org

Phone: 323.761.8800

Financial and Insurance aid:

- Insurance Claims Assistance: insurance.ca.gov

- FEMA: 1-800-621-3362, DisasterAssistance.gov 

(Note your FEMA claim is essentially “on hold” until you get a letter from your insurance)

- SBA loans, available to individuals and businesses:


- Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA): Helps individuals who lost jobs due to the fires.

Website: edd.ca.gov

- Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles: Aides with legal issues arising from disasters, including housing and insurance claims.

Website: lafla.org

- California Wildfire Recovery Resources: Guides for recovery and rebuilding.

Website: wildfirerecovery.caloes.ca.gov

- Various Brands providing products to affected families: https://shorturl.at/fHRKW